Kid’s Day
Kid’s Outdoor Day
The first Saturday of June of every year marks the annual event of the ACWCL/Fin-Feather-Fur Kid’s Day. This event is held at the Ashland County Wildlife and Conservation League ( ACWCL) located just outside of Mifflin on 1930 Co Rd 1035 – Ashland.
Each year this special event draws over 200 kids ranging from the ages of 6-13 years of age. There is one sessions which is divided into six groups. These groups include fishing , archery, BB guns, and various other exhibits. The most important thing expressed to these youths as they go from station to station with their group is the safety of the outdoors and the safe handling of some of the equipment used prior to the activity.
This program was initiated by members of the ACWCL who thought there was a need for outdoor knowledge or activity to be introduced to the children of the community or families that may not have outdoor knowledge or would like to know more of the outdoors. Sponsors and numerous sportsman clubs and conservation groups come together to sponsor this event which is the largest event of its type in Ohio. This event is not just for Ashland County Residents. There have been kids from area counties that have participated, some kids have come every year since they were 6 years of age to the age of 13. There have also been some of those kids through out the years of participating ,who are now volunteers of the event. One must pre- register for this event at the Ashland Fin Feather & Fur Store to take part of this childhood memory one will be sure to always remember.
- Ashland County Bass Anglers – The fishing takes place in two ponds stocked with approximately 500 hybrid bluegill.
- Ashland Bowman Archery Club – The archery session – In this session the participants shoot compound bows at balloons.
- New Frontiersman Muzzleloading Club – The BB gun session – Participants get the opportunity to shoot a BB gun at a tin pie plate
- Ashland County Park – Learn about the different parks in Ashland County and there wildlife.
- Ashland County Pheasant Forever – Bird Dog Training session – See hunting bird dogs perform
- Ashland County Ducks Unlimited – Duck Calling-Learn how different types of calls work and watch the dogs retrieve the birds.
How to be a Sponsor:
Kid’s Day is a planned outing to allow our kids to experience a “taste” of the fun of fishing, casting, shooting, archery, duck calling, and hunting dogs while in the company of experienced sportsman. This dream has been a pet project of many veteran outdoorsmen for years. The organization and real implementation of this event has involved area sportsman clubs, area businesses, wildlife personnel, and individual volunteers all wanting to share their outdoor skill and knowledge with the young people. The A.C.W.C.L., know to many as the Ashland County Conservation Farm, located on Co. Rd. 1035, will again host this event. The A.C.W.C.L. is a nonprofit Ohio corporation registered as EIN-34-0010629. Past years sponsors and volunteers have helped to provide this experience for 200+ kids and their parents and guardians. If you would like to be a sponsor for this event, call 419-368-3001 for information on how to become a sponsor.
The sportsmen in this area are famous for their generosity and commitment. This event bonds together area outdoor groups and business uniting them toward one goal, a fun out-of-doors day for our area kids.
Thank you for your participation in the future of our youth’s outdoor experience!